مواد وادوات التنظيف
3.150 JOD
0.700 JOD
MR.MUSCLE منظف الفرن مستر ماسل 300 مل
2.850 JOD
2.700 JOD
SARATOGA منظف و معقم كوندشن400 مل
7.400 JOD
1.150 JOD
1.500 JOD
11.750 JOD
5.900 JOD
5.900 JOD
Dr. Beckmann مناديل تجديد البياض دكتور بيكمان - 15 ورقة
Dr. Beckmann Active White Sheets Practical whitening sheets With active white formula Against greying and yellowing Increases the brightness of all white garments For a long-lasting and bright white For regular use Effective above 20°C Description Through numerous washing cycles and residues in the detergent solution, white textiles will turn greyish over time. An unsightly yellowish tint can develop if textiles are stored for a prolonged time. The Dr. Beckmann Active White Sheets with their sophisticated combination of optical brighteners, reliably counteract greying and yellowing and will turn white laundry radiantly white again. Not suitable for: Not suitable for textiles that were in contact with sun protection products Useful tips Please observe the operating instructions of the device manufacturer.
4.000 JOD
Dr. Beckmann منظف غسالة الصحون دكتور بيكمان 250 جرام
3.300 JOD
Dr. Beckmann منظف الثلاجة والميكروويف من دكتور بيكمان 250 مل
2.700 JOD
Dr. Beckmann مزيل بقع العرق من الملابس دكتور بيكمان 250مل
3.000 JOD
Dr. Beckmann بخاخ النشا للكوي من دكتور بكمان
2.500 JOD
2.350 JOD
2.700 JOD
2.700 JOD